HMK has been a prolific Project Generator, having generated over 25 projects since inception

Critical Metals, Ni, PGE

  • NAIRN (Sudbury, Ontario)

    Project: Ni, Cu, PGE Project

    • 85km sq in Sudbury basin

    • A region hosting of 23% of world’s current nickel production

    • 5 mines within a 50 km radius, 2 smelters

    • Reports estimate that the Sudbury Basin contains approximately 1.7 billion tonnes of copper-nickel ore, with an average nickel content of 0.25%.*

    • Based on these estimates, there is still approximately 4.3 million tonnes of nickel remaining in the Sudbury Basin.*

    • On the property there are numerous target areas, trenches, drill intercepts, historical workings and adits with mineralized intercepts at 3.0+ m and 1.5% Ni

  • SILVER LAKE (Quebec)

    Associated lithology: Copper Skarn

    Mineralization: The mineralization consists of 1-12% chalcopyrite, 10-25% pyrrhotite and 1-5% pyrite.

    Chemical Element: Cu, Ag, Zn, Co, Au

  • ZEN

    Copper Project

  • Quebec Graphite

    Quebec Graphite presents 3 exciting graphite discoveries in the Laurentian region of Quebec.


    Description Pétawaga is located 45km northwest of Mont-Laurier and 140km north of the city of Gatineau, Quebec.

    Historical Noranda Bulk Sample & 43-101

    Niobium: 3.4%

    Uranium: 0.65%

    Lithium: 1.0 -1.5%

    source: sigeom report gm04222

  • LAC JAQUES (Sold to Troy Minerals Corp.)

    A Carbonatite deposit which is highly fractionated, with light rare earth enrichment, including 500 to 2000 ppm Nd and Pr at 1.06%

  • SAINT SOPHIE Cu, Mb, Zn, Au

    145 claims spanning 87 km2 - 34 km Structural Shear Zone

    • More than 14 worked indices and historic mines with BONANZA copper grades over 55%

    • Highest copper grades from drilling and indices:

    3.75% Cu over 1.2 m 17.8% Cu, 4.85% Cu, 42.04% Cu, 4.38% Cu,

    11,00% Cu, 2.80% Cu, 55.4% Cu, 32% Cu, 5.00% Cu, and 11% Cu

    • Also, high grade discoveries of silver, gold and molybdenum

    • Drilling discovered 13 metres and 6.70 metres of Pentlandite


  • DUCARNY Copper Project

    A new copper district in the Grenville Geological Province

    The Lac Ducarny property is located in the Mont Laurier basin, the monocyclic mesoproterozoic orogen within the geological province of the Grenville. This area is potentially emerging as a large copper district with different types of mineralization being recognized (IOCG, stratiform copper, etc.) and has been relatively poorly explored.


    Peter Lake Cu-Ni-Co Project is an early stage exploration project with exceptional copper and nickel grades. This mineral-rich project shows evidence of hydrothermal activities within a gabbro dyke containing disseminated to massive Cu-Ni sulfides.

    The troctolite rocks have been compared to similar mineralization at Voisey’s Bay Ni-Cu-Co deposit.

Gold & PGE


    100% interest in three promising gold exploration properties, strategically situated in the renowned Beardmore-Geraldton Gold Belt (BGB) of Ontario. This region has historically produced over four million ounces of gold and is home to the world-class Greenstone gold project, currently under development through a joint venture between Equinox Gold (TSE:EQX) and Orion Mine Finance.


    80 claims spanning 8,500 acres

    PGM mineralization occurring in 11 different locations

    58.2 grams IRIDIUM • 86.4 & 14.4 grams GOLD • 24.3 grams SILVER